The Univera Healthcare Advantage

Renewal information
For the past several years, coverage for Medicaid, Essential Plan, and Child Health Plus has been auto renewed for most members due to the Public Health Emergency. Learn how to prepare and the steps to renew your coverage.
How to Prepare for Renewal
Health Insurance 101
Choosing the right plan is an important decision to make and we’re here to help! We’ve put together resources to answer your questions on how health insurance works.
Learn about High Deductible Health Plans Learn about Medicare
Find a Doctor near you
Get the local care you need and deserve. Our large network of providers makes it easy to find a doctor, dentist, or specialist to get the care you need.
Find a Doctor Find a DentistGetting Started
Create an online account to gain access to the benefits and extras that are part of your plan, and to connect with care.
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Modal for Social Care Network
Social Care Network
What is a Social Care Network?
Social Care Networks are trusted organizations with an understanding of the community and available resources. SCNs provide screening for our members to determine if additional services can be offered to address health-related social needs. Your SCN is listed by county below.
How can it help me?
This service is available as of January 1, 2025. If you are eligible, you may receive assistance related to:
- Housing issues and utilities support
- Assistance with food and nutrition
- Transportation services
- Care management
How do I know if I'm eligible for assistance?
This service is available to Medicaid Managed Care, HARP, and Dual Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) members. After being screened by the SCN, you will be informed of your eligibility. Not all members will qualify, but reaching out to the SCN in your county is the first step.
How do I find the SCN in my county?
- Erie County: Western New York Integrated Care Collaborative
- Orleans County: Forward Leading Independent Provider Association (FLIPA)