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Nationwide MultiPlan® Network
Check the back of your Univera Member Card for the PHCS and MultiPlan logo. When the logo is present, your plan provides access to a national primary preferred provider organization (PPO) as a complement to Univera Healthcare's in-network list of providers. If your plan has access to MultiPlan, then whether you're traveling or have an eligible family member living outside of your local service area you have access to the MultiPlan Network.
Modal for Changes to this Directory
Changes to this Directory
We’re committed to providing you with up-to-date provider information. Upon joining our network, we verify a provider’s credentials, license and practice information before posting it in our provider directory. We also perform a routine audit of provider records at least once every three years. Providers also send practice information changes as they occur. Due to our verification process, please allow up to 10 business days for changes sent to us to appear in our directory.
While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information, it may contain errors or discrepancies. If you have questions about a provider’s participation or any information found here, please contact the provider directly.
Important information about Changes to this Directory.
Many of the health care providers in our network join quality programs. The organization does not use quality measures, member experience measures, or cost related measures to select any of our practitioners or hospitals for participation in the network, this includes those treating our Marketplace members.
Excellus BlueCross BlueShieldUnivera Healthcare contracts with a full range of healthcare practitioners and hospitals to participate in our network. We consider the location of where our members live and establish contracts with providers who can meet member needs within a reasonable travel time.
Nurse practitioners (Adult Health, Family Medicine, Pediatric and Women's Health) are not medical doctors. Nurse Practitioners are licensed Nurse Practitioners who are eligible to provide primary care services.