View Medical Policies

For certain member contracts, the Health Plan has delegated utilization management of the following services to eviCore Healthcare MSI, LLC d/b/a eviCore Healthcare: implantable cardiac devices, radiology/imaging, radiation therapy, and musculoskeletal services (large joint replacement, pain management, and spine services). The Health Plan has adopted eviCore’s medical policies and guidelines as a basis for the determination of medical necessity and appropriateness of care.

Please refer member-specific questions to the Customer Care number on the back of the member card. Final determination of coverage is subject to the member’s benefits and eligibility on the date of service.

An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> entry.getDownloadURL()  [in template "20116#20152#153064" at line 267, column 45]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign download_url = entry.getDownl...  [in template "20116#20152#153064" at line 267, column 21]
2    Name: Medical Policies 
3    Type: Asset Search Filter and Browse Template 
4    Intended for: Providers site Medical Policies page 
5    Uses content template: No 
6    Template intended to be used within an instance of the Asset 
7    Search Filter and Browse portlet for displaying a searchable 
8    and filterable list of Medical Policy entries (documents). 
11	.m-auto{ 
12		margin: auto; 
15<#macro columnSortIcons is_sorted=false sort_direction=""> 
16    <span class="sort-icons"> 
17        <i class="fa fa-sort-down${(is_sorted && sort_direction == 'ASC')?string(' active', '')}"></i> 
18        <i class="fa fa-sort-up${(is_sorted && sort_direction == 'DESC')?string(' active', '')}"></i> 
19    </span> 
22<#macro paginationList> 
23        <div class="col-12 col-sm-6 text-right"> 
24            <ul class="pagination"> 
25                <li class="page-item ${(1 == currentPage)?string('disabled inactive-link', '')}"> 
26                    <a href="${displayContext.getPaginationURL(1,sortField,sortOrder, isDDM)}" class="page-link"  
27                    aria-label="Previous"><span class="angle-left-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span></a> 
28                </li> 
29                <#if (totalPages < 10 )> 
30                <#list 1.. totalPages as i> 
31                        <li class="page-item ${(i == currentPage)?string('active', '')}"> 
32                            <a class="page-link" href="${displayContext.getPaginationURL(i,sortField,sortOrder, isDDM)}">${i}</a> 
33                        </li> 
34                </#list> 
35                <#else> 
36                    <li class="page-item ${(1 == currentPage)?string('active', '')}"> 
37                        <a href="${displayContext.getPaginationURL(1,sortField,sortOrder, isDDM)}" class="page-link"> 
38                        <span aria-hidden="true">1</span></a> 
39                    </li> 
40                    <#assign initialPage = currentPage - 2> 
41                    <#assign lastPage = currentPage +  2> 
42                    <#if (initialPage < 2)> 
43                            <#assign initialPage= 2> 
44                    </#if> 
45                    <#if (lastPage > (totalPages-1))> 
46                            <#assign lastPage= (totalPages-1)> 
47                    </#if> 
48                    <#if (initialPage > 2)> 
49                        <li class="page-item"> 
50                            <a class="page-link" > 
51                            <span aria-hidden="true">...</span></a> 
52                        </li> 
53                    </#if> 
54                    <#list initialPage.. lastPage as i> 
55                        <li class="page-item ${(i == currentPage)?string('active', '')}"> 
56                            <a class="page-link" href="${displayContext.getPaginationURL(i,sortField,sortOrder, isDDM)}"> 
57                            ${i}</a> 
58                        </li> 
59                    </#list> 
60                    <#if (lastPage < (totalPages-1))> 
61                        <li class="page-item"> 
62                            <a  class="page-link"> 
63                            <span aria-hidden="true">...</span></a> 
64                        </li> 
65                    </#if> 
66                    <li class="page-item ${(totalPages == currentPage)?string('active', '')}"> 
67                        <a href="${displayContext.getPaginationURL(totalPages,sortField,sortOrder, isDDM)}"  
68                        class="page-link"> 
69                        <span aria-hidden="true">${totalPages}</span></a> 
70                    </li> 
71                </#if> 
72                <li class="page-item ${(totalPages == currentPage)?string('disabled inactive-link', '')}"> 
73                    <a href="${displayContext.getPaginationURL(totalPages,sortField,sortOrder, isDDM)}" 
74                    class="page-link" aria-label="Next"> 
75                    <span class="angle-right-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span></a> 
76                </li> 
77            </ul> 
78        </div> 
82<#-- Date variable    .now?date?string.iso  --> 
83<#setting date_format="iso"> 
84<#assign today_date = .now?date> 
86<#-- Form element variables --> 
87<#assign portletId = portletDisplay.getId()?split("_")?last /> 
88<#assign categorySelectId = "categories-" + portletId> 
89<#assign filterFormId = "filter-" + portletId> 
90<#assign noRecordsText = "No records found."> 
91<#assign resetBtnId = "btn-" + portletId> 
92<#assign resetTxtId = "txt-" + portletId> 
93<#assign resetBtnText = "Reset"> 
94<#assign searchFormId = "search-" + portletId> 
95<#assign showResetBtn = false> 
96<#assign categoryId = renderRequest.getParameter("categoryId")!0> 
97<#assign keywords = renderRequest.getParameter("keywords")!""> 
98<#assign requestURL = renderResponse.createRenderURL()> 
99<#if categoryId?number != 0 || keywords != ""> 
100    <#assign showResetBtn = true> 
103<#-- Paging and sorting --> 
104<#assign currentPage = (renderRequest.getParameter("page")!"1")?number> 
105<#-- Changed from previous versions --> 
106<#assign sortOrder = renderRequest.getParameter("sortOrder")!""> 
107<#assign sortField = renderRequest.getParameter("sortField")!""> 
108<#assign isDDM = (renderRequest.getParameter("ddm")!"true")?boolean> 
109<#if sortField != ""> 
110    <#assign sortField = sortField?split("_")?last> 
113<#if sortOrder=="ASC"> 
114    <#assign isAscending=false> 
116    <#assign isAscending=true> 
119<#-- Handle dynamic column layouts based on portlet config & filter state --> 
120<#assign showSearch = displayContext.isDisplaySearch()> 
121<#assign showCategoryFilter = displayContext.isDisplayCategory()> 
122<#assign showSearchAndFilter = showSearch && showCategoryFilter> 
123<#assign resetColClass = showSearchAndFilter?string("col-4 col-sm-2 col-lg-2", "col-4 col-sm-3 col-md-2 col-lg-2")> 
124<#if showResetBtn> 
125    <#assign filterColClass = showSearchAndFilter?string("col-8 col-sm-4", "col-8 col-sm-9 col-md-10 col-lg-10")> 
126    <#assign searchColClass = showSearchAndFilter?string("col-12 col-sm-5 col-lg-5", "col-8 col-sm-9 col-md-10 col-lg-10")> 
128    <#assign filterColClass = showSearchAndFilter?string("col-12 col-sm-4 col-lg-4", "col-12")> 
129    <#assign searchColClass = showSearchAndFilter?string("col-12 col-sm-6", "col-12")> 
132<div id="${portletId}" class="container-block search-filter-browse medical-policies"> 
133    <div class="row search-filter-browse__form"> 
134        <#if showSearch> 
135            <div class="${searchColClass}"> 
136                <form id="${searchFormId}" action="${renderResponse.createRenderURL()}" method="post"> 
137                    <div class="form-group"> 
138                        <label for="keywords" class="sr-only">Search By Name, Code or Category</label> 
139                        <i class="fa fa-search"></i> 
140                        <input id="keywords" 
141                            class="form-control" 
142                            type="search" 
143                            name="${renderResponse.getNamespace()}keywords" 
144                            value="${keywords}" 
145                            placeholder="${displayContext.getSearchPlaceholderText()}"/> 
146                        <input type="submit" value="Submit" style="display: none" /> 
147                    </div> 
148                </form> 
149            </div> 
150        </#if> 
151        <#if showSearch && showCategoryFilter> 
152            <div class="col-12 col-sm-1 text-center"> 
153                <strong class="text-large">or</strong> 
154            </div> 
155        </#if> 
156        <#if showCategoryFilter> 
157            <div class="${filterColClass}"> 
158                <form id="${filterFormId}" action="${renderResponse.createRenderURL()}" method="post"> 
159                    <label for="${categorySelectId}" class="sr-only">Select a Category</label> 
160                    <select class="form-control" id="${categorySelectId}" name="${renderResponse.getNamespace()}categoryId"> 
161                        <option value="0" selected="selected">${displayContext.getCategoryPlaceholderText()}</option> 
162                        <#if displayContext.getCategories()?has_content> 
163                            <#list displayContext.getCategories() as category> 
164                                <#if categoryId?string == category.getCategoryId()?string> 
165                                    <option value="${category.getCategoryId()}" selected="selected"> 
166                                        ${category.getName()} 
167                                    </option> 
168                                <#else> 
169                                    <option value="${category.getCategoryId()}"> 
170                                        ${category.getName()} 
171                                    </option> 
172                                </#if> 
173                            </#list> 
174                        </#if> 
175                    </select> 
176                </form> 
177            </div> 
178        </#if> 
179        <#if showResetBtn> 
180            <div class="${resetColClass} text-center"> 
181                <button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" id="${resetBtnId}">${resetBtnText}</button> 
182            </div> 
183        </#if> 
184    </div> 
185    <#if entries?has_content> 
186        <#if displayContext.isPagination()> 
187            <div class="row pagination-container"> 
188                <#assign paginationNumber = 1> 
189                <#assign pageSize = displayContext.getPageSize()> 
190                <#assign totalPages = displayContext.getTotalPages()> 
193                <#assign totalRecords = displayContext.getTotalRecords()> 
194                <#-- If a medical policy has a TerminationDate filled in and the date is today or in the past, then remove it from the page count as it won't be displayed --> 
195                <#list entries as entry> 
196                   <#assign term_date = entry.getDDMFieldValue("TerminationDate")!""> 
198                         <#if (term_date?has_content && ((term_date?date) <= today_date)) > 
200                            <#assign totalRecords = totalRecords - 1> 
202                        </#if> 
203                </#list> 
206                <#if pageSize != 0> 
207                    <#assign paginationNumber = (totalRecords / pageSize)?ceiling> 
208                </#if> 
209                <div class="col-12 col-sm-6"> 
210                    <#assign initialNo = ((currentPage - 1) * pageSize) + 1> 
211                    <#assign lastNo = (currentPage * pageSize)> 
212                    <#if (lastNo > totalRecords)> 
213                        <#assign lastNo = totalRecords> 
214                    </#if> 
215                    <small class="results-summary" tabindex="0">Showing ${initialNo}&ndash; 
216                    ${lastNo} of ${totalRecords} Results</small> 
217                </div> 
218                <@paginationList /> 
219            </div> 
220        </#if> 
221        <table class="table"> 
222            <colgroup> 
223                <col style="width: 70%;"> 
224                <col style="width: 15%;"> 
225                <col style="width: 15%;"> 
226            </colgroup> 
227            <thead> 
228                <tr> 
229                    <th> 
230                        <a href=" ${displayContext.getSortingURL('Title', isAscending, true)}"> 
231                            ${displayContext.getDDMFieldLabel("Title")!""} 
232                            <@columnSortIcons is_sorted=(sortField == "Title") sort_direction=sortOrder /> 
233                        </a> 
234                    </th> 
235                    <th> 
236                        <a href=" ${displayContext.getSortingURL('LastUpdated', isAscending, true)}"> 
237                            ${displayContext.getDDMFieldLabel("LastUpdated")!""} 
238                            <@columnSortIcons is_sorted=(sortField == "LastUpdated") sort_direction=sortOrder /> 
239                        </a> 
240                    </th> 
241                    <th> 
242                        Category 
243                    </th> 
244                </tr> 
245            </thead> 
246            <tbody> 
247                <#list entries as entry> 
249                <#assign term_date = entry.getDDMFieldValue("TerminationDate")!""> 
250                <#-- don't display entries with a term date of today or in the past --> 
251                 <#if ((!term_date?has_content) || ((term_date?date) >= today_date)) >                 
253                   <#assign effective_stmt = " ">  
255                   <#assign effective_date = entry.getDDMFieldValue("EffectiveDate")!""> 
257                    <#if effective_date == "">   
258                           <#assign effective_stmt = " ">   
259                    <#else>   
261                         <#if (today_date < effective_date?date) >     
262                          <#assign effective_stmt = "(Effective " + effective_date + ")"> 
263                          </#if> 
264                    </#if>   
267                    <#assign download_url = entry.getDownloadURL()?trim> 
268                    <#assign document_title = entry.getDDMFieldValue("Title")!""> 
269                    <#assign policy_id = entry.getDDMFieldValue("PolicyID")!""> 
270                    <tr> 
271                        <td> 
272                            <#if download_url != ""> 
273                                <a class="pdf-icon" href="${download_url}" target="_blank"> 
274                                    ${document_title} ${effective_stmt!""}  
275									<span class="sr-only">Open a PDF</span> 
276                                    <span class="text-black">${policy_id}</span> 
277                                </a> 
278                            <#else> 
279                                ${document_title} 
280                                <span class="text-black">${policy_id}</span> 
281                            </#if> 
282                        </td> 
283                        <td>${entry.getDDMFieldValue("LastUpdated")!""}</td> 
284                        <td> 
285                            <#if displayContext.getCategories()?has_content> 
286                                ${entry.getCategoryName()!""} 
287                            </#if> 
288                        </td> 
289                    </tr> 
290                </#if> 
292                </#list> 
293            </tbody> 
294        </table> 
295        <#if displayContext.isPagination()> 
296            <div class="row pagination-container"> 
297                <#assign paginationNumber = 1> 
298                <#assign pageSize = displayContext.getPageSize()> 
299                <#assign totalPages = displayContext.getTotalPages()> 
300<#-- Use value calculated above  <#assign totalRecords = displayContext.getTotalRecords()>  --> 
301                <#if pageSize != 0> 
302                    <#assign paginationNumber = (totalRecords / pageSize)?ceiling> 
303                </#if> 
304                <div class="col-12 col-sm-6"> 
305                    <#assign initialNo = ((currentPage - 1) * pageSize) + 1> 
306                    <#assign lastNo = (currentPage * pageSize)> 
307                    <#if (lastNo > totalRecords)> 
308                        <#assign lastNo = totalRecords> 
309                    </#if> 
310                    <small class="results-summary">Showing ${initialNo}&ndash; 
311                    ${lastNo} of ${totalRecords} Results</small> 
312                </div> 
313                <@paginationList /> 
314            </div> 
315        </#if> 
316    <#elseif displayContext.isSearchError()> 
317        <h3 class="text-center">${displayContext.getSearchErrorMessage()}</h3> 
318    <#else> 
319		<div class="flex-container"> 
320			<div class="flex-item-center m-auto"> 
321				<p><strong>${noRecordsText}</strong> Try a new search term, or reset your search.</p> 
322				<p><strong>Suggestions:</strong></p> 
323				<ul> 
324					<li>Make sure all words are spelled correctly</li> 
325					<li>Try different keywords</li> 
326					<li>Try more generic keywords</li> 
327					<li>Try fewer keywords</li> 
328				</ul> 
329			</div> 
330		</div> 
331    </#if> 
333<script type="text/javascript"> 
334    $(function () { 
335        var $categorySelect = $('#${categorySelectId}'); 
336        var $filterForm = $('#${filterFormId}'); 
337        var $resetBtn = $('#${resetBtnId}'); 
338        var $searchForm = $('#${searchFormId}'); 
339        var $portletContainer = $('#${portletId}'); 
340        var $hasCategoryResults = $filterForm.find('select').val(); 
341        var $hasSearchResults= $searchForm.find('#keywords').val(); 
342        var $resultsSummary = $portletContainer.find('.results-summary'); 
343        var $portletPosition= $portletContainer.offset().top; 
345        // Handle search form 
346        $searchForm.keydown(function(e) { 
347            if (e.which === 13) { 
348                $(this).submit(); 
350        }); 
351        // Handle category filter 
352        $categorySelect.change(function() { 
353            $filterForm.trigger('submit'); 
354        }); 
355        // Handle reset button 
356        $resetBtn.on('click', function() { 
357            if ($searchForm.length) { 
358                $searchForm.find('input').val(''); 
359                $searchForm.submit(); 
360            } else { 
361                $categorySelect.val(0); 
362                $filterForm.submit(); 
364        }); 
365        // Foxus on summary text if results returned 
366        if(($hasSearchResults || ($hasCategoryResults && $hasCategoryResults!=0))  
367                && $resultsSummary.length){ 
368            $portletContainer.find('.results-summary').focus(); 
370        //Positioning the portlet 
371        //$('body , html').animate({scrollTop : $portletPosition}); 
372    }()); 


GDPR Notification Content